Fibbing Friday: Music Therapy

Di (Pensitivity101) hosts Fibbing Friday, where truth is not an option!
To join in tag your answers #FibbingFriday and link back to Fibbing Friday.

1. What is a French horn?
Ooh, la la!

2. What is a cornet?
A hairnet for cornrows.

3. What is a clarinet?
A wine bore.

4. What is a snare drum?
A drum large enough to trap an elephant.

5. What is a viola?
A Sweet Sixth birthday celebration.

6. What is a double bass?
A mutant fish or a quart of beer – do not confuse the two.

7. What is the difference between a Concert, Upright or Grand?
Depends on your negotiating skills – not many escort services have set price lists.

8. What is campanology?
A fear of tents.

9. What is a trombone?
🎵 The trombone’s connected to your backbone🎵

10. What is timpani?
When Tim Burton has a panic attack.

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