Fibbing Friday: Abstract Nouns

Di (Pensitivity101) hosts Fibbing Friday, where truth is not an option!
To join in tag your answers #FibbingFriday and link back to Fibbing Friday.

Melissa Lemay has suggested words from the Merriam Webster dictionary this week. How would you define these?

1.  Narcolepsy
An epileptic drug dealer.

2.  Antediluvian
An aquatic antelope.

3.  Serrefine
A probationary angel.

4.  Guetapens
A Central American supper dish.

5.  Promiscuous
A solemn oath to always be truthful (politicians say it with their fingers crossed).

6.  Tendentious

7.  Kismet
Kermit’s brother.

8.  Autochthonous
A violent sneeze which sprays everyone around you with mucus.

9.  Macerate
Something your mother warned you not to do – it does make you go blind.

10. Gladiolus
Impenetrable underpants to hinder the above.

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